Published: 31 August 2021

What are the best Air Purifiers for Pet Allergies?

Air Purifiers for Pet Allergies

If you are unfortunate enough to have a pet allergy then the chances are you will be familiar with the classic symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, tight chest, runny nose, itchy eyes or even get a rash when you are in close proximity to pets. A common misconception is that it is the animal's fur (or feathers) which causes the reaction in you. This is not actually the case, it is in fact the dander ( microscopic dead skin cells) produced by your pet along with a protein found in the animals urine or saliva which are the common triggers. Keeping the dander in your home at low levels is the key to living harmoniously with your pet.

Controlling Pet Allergens in the home

In most cases the allergens are tiny and invisible to the human eye. They are virtually weightless and hang around suspended in the air for longer periods than other common allergens like dust mite feaces or household dust. Because they are so small, they are easily transported from room to room on our clothes as we move around the house. Something as simple as walking across the room can agitate allergens lying on the floor and instantly send them up into your breathing space. Bird dander tends to be different in that it is a larger, heavier particle which is more obvious ( looking like a white powder on the surfaces ).

It stands to reason that reducing the amount of these airborne allergens is key to alleviating the allergy symptoms.

Here are a few simple things you can do to help:

  • Keep your pets out of the bedroom and off furniture
  • Invest in an air purifier specifically targeted to filter our pet dander (HEPA)
  • Carpets harbour allergens, so try to keep your pets in areas with solid floors
  • A hoover with a good quality HEPA ( High Efficiency Particulate Arrestor) filter is best for this.
  • Clean your pets sleeping areas or bird and rodent cages at least once a week.

Using an air purifier to remove pet dander in the home - Room size is important!

New allergens are arriving constantly.
As soon as you have dusted and hoovered, these new particles have already begun to arrive.

Make sure whichever air purifier you choose is capable of recirculating ALL of the air in your room size through a good quality HEPA filter at least three, four or five times an hour. The quicker the recirculation of air through the filter, the more allergens will be removed. The best air purifiers will clean a whole room in as little as twelve minutes. All of the Air Shop purifiers are perfect to help you manage your pet allergies