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Indoor Air Quality is our passion!
We here to help answer your questions and provide information and advice around genuine products and solutions to help relieve allergies and improve the health of your indoor environment.

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  • Toxic Free Home
  • Ventilation

How do I change my MVHR Filters?

Frequently Asked Questions on MVHR Systems

What Can Go Wrong Without Proper MVHR Design? 3 Key Issues

4 reasons why you should invest in professional MVHR Design

NOx Filtration & MVHR Ventilation

What is the role of MVHR in Passivhaus?

Understand more about the principles of a fabric first, super insulation design principle and the important role of passivhaus accredited MVHR units


#MOULDVEMBER is the month for raising awareness for people living in damp, mould and other indoor air quality problems

Our Project- Home Extension & Improving Energy Efficiency

MVHR to make your home more energy efficient? That's exactly what this 1982 home extension/renovation needed!

5 Things To Consider When Designing Your MVHR System

From your MVHR unit to the ducting, it all makes a big difference! Here are the top 5 things you should consider when designing your system

Our Project- Home Extension & Improving Energy Efficiency

MVHR to make your home more energy efficient? That's exactly what this 1982 home extension/renovation needed!

Our Project - A Full Home Renovation

MVHR to make your home more energy efficient? That's exactly what this 1982 home extension/renovation needed!

What is the role of MVHR in Passivhaus?

Understand more about the principles of a fabric first, super insulation design principle and the important role of passivhaus accredited MVHR units

'Summer Bypass'... Your MVHR Unit In The Summer

How does your MVHR unit perform in the summer? Everything from 'Summer Bypass' to tackling hayfever and allergies with Summer Sneezer filters!

MVHR Homeowner Guide

All you need to know about your MVHR system in your home - what is MVHR? How does it work? What are the benefits? How much does it cost to run?

What are the best Air Purifiers for Pet Allergies?

It's not usually the pet hair you are allergic to, it's pet dander - read more about which air purifier filters are best for pet allergies

What is the best air purifier for Hayfever and Dust Allergies?

Choosing an air purifier with a HEPA filter will help aleviate allergies and irritations associated with pollen, dust and fine dust. Read more to find out why.

What is the best air purifier for Traffic Pollution?

Exhaust 'particulates' are tiny specks of soot that are so small you can not actually see them individually - if you live in a polluted area, you may want to consider a higher specification air purifier to deal with traffic pollution

What is a humidifier and how does it help indoor air quality and allergies?

Moisture is the air is good for us, especially if you suffer with asthma or other respiratory illnesses - check out how a fine mist of air can be good for indoor air quality and you!

Why Semi-Rigid Ducting Is The Best Choice For MVHR

Semi-rigid ducting is a winner when it comes to MVHR ventilation systems, and we're going to explain why!

How do Air Purifiers filter out chemicals from cleaning products?

Every single day we are exposed to literally thousands and thousands of chemicals, in the air around us, the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the products we put on our skin - household cleaners are a major source of pollution too!

What is an Air Purifier and what does it filter out?

Pollutants in, Purified Air Out - you can't see the pollutants in the air but you might be sneezing because of them - but how does an air purifier actually purify air?

Are you making your home unhealthy? 5 tips to improve your indoor air quality

The things we do inside our homes are actually contributing to poor indoor air quality but we can make some changes to change that! Bring in the good air!

MVHR Heat Recovery Ventilation - Frequently Asked Questions

What is MVHR? How does it work? What benefits will it bring to me and my home?

5 reasons why you need good ventilation in your home

Poor and ineffective ventilation will be seen and felt inside your home - got condensation and mould? You've more than likely got an issue with ventilation!

This is what Air Quality LOOKS like.

We talk about it ALOT. We breathe ALOT. You can't see the 10,000 litres of air you breathe, but hey, this is what is actually looks like...

How does poor Indoor Air Quality impact allergies?

A lot of the time, the pollutants in your home are impacting your lungs and health without your even knowing...just think about that for a moment. What is Poor Indoor Air Quality and how does it impact you?

7 Toxic Cleaning Products to AVOID!

Which household cleaners and potions aren't good for your health and why you should look at switching to less toxic options!

What is the best bathroom fan and what should I consider?

Continuous ventilation is the new kid on the block - more ventilation, better dilution of pollutants and good indoor air quality!

What types of ventilation systems are suitable for homes?

Learn more about the 4 common types of ventilation suitable for new and existing homes and what to consider

Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality

We can't see air.  It's as simple as that and is why Indoor Air Quality should be on your agenda more than ever before - and therefore so should ventilation.

What are Heat Recovery Filters and why should I change them?

All MVHR Heat Recovery units contain filters and they play a key role in the performance of the ventilation system in your home.

What is MVHR Heat Recovery and what are the benefits?

MVHR is a whole house ventilation system perfect for todays modern homes where comfort, energy efficiency and health and well-being are on the agenda.

What maintenance does my MVHR System need?

MVHR Filter Replacement is only part of the equation - dust, debris and grease clogs up in many other areas which can impact the performance of the system

How do I change my MVHR Heat Recovery Filters?

Out with old dirty filters and in with the new - keep the air in your home fresh and free of pollutants - here's how to change the filters in your heat recovery ventilation system

Pass the Bucket...this is why MVHR Heat Recovery need changing!

MVHR Filters play an important job and need to be checked and replaced minimum every 6 months.... see some of the worst ones!

What's included in a MVHR Heat Recovery ventilation system service?

MVHR Maintenance isn't just about changing the filters - find out what it is included in a MVHR Heat Recovery Service

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