MVHR Project Services: Dwellings up to 150m2


Free - Fans & Selected MVHR Units £0.00

MVHR Project Services: Layout & Airflow Calculations

When investing in a whole house ventilation system, ensuring your system is fit for purpose is fundamental for performance and sign off by Building Control. Using The Air Shop's team of ventilation specialists will give you peace of mind that your system is suitably sized and that everything is achieveable in your property. 

What's included;

  • Layout illustration showing unit location, duct runs and terminations (including one revision)
  • Airflow rate calculations in accordance with current Building Regulations (ADF:Means of ventilation)
  • Unit and ducting specification
  • Quotation and inclusive parts list
  • Dedicated technical account manager
  • Best practise installation guides 
  • £100.00 credit towards your order

Additional services including site visits, video calls and system commissioning are also available to be booked throghout your project.  Please ask you technical account manager for more details.